Why was it you that I wanted?
Why was it you that I cared for?
Why was it you that I would bare my pain and watch my tears greatly fall like the rain?
Just to know how a little love would fell like coming from you
I wanted to feel how your hand felt in mine
What it would feel like to be in your presence all the time
I would’ve gone through all sorts of torture if I known your love was in stored in my future
The endurance of it all would not make me fall
Just to know if I did that would be the end of it
I couldn’t live w/the thought of not being yours or you being mine
Having rain instead of the sunshine
I rather not have myself cry to sleep every night
But to have my love in my clear eye sight
Even if it has to be someone else’s side you stand
No longer mine but now theirs
Will there come a time you’ll see what always caused my tears?
The fear of moving on w/life Not being the one you’d make your wife
But the one you consider a sister or a friend
The one that hurts now and again
When will you realize being yours is what I’ve always fantasized
So if you love me not let me know
So that I can try easily to let you go
No more will my heart cry for you- stranger
For love’s danger has caused a great deal of pain on me
And now I shall set you but also me free
Of love’s chains of insanity
Why was it you that I cared for?
Why was it you that I would bare my pain and watch my tears greatly fall like the rain?
Just to know how a little love would fell like coming from you
I wanted to feel how your hand felt in mine
What it would feel like to be in your presence all the time
I would’ve gone through all sorts of torture if I known your love was in stored in my future
The endurance of it all would not make me fall
Just to know if I did that would be the end of it
I couldn’t live w/the thought of not being yours or you being mine
Having rain instead of the sunshine
I rather not have myself cry to sleep every night
But to have my love in my clear eye sight
Even if it has to be someone else’s side you stand
No longer mine but now theirs
Will there come a time you’ll see what always caused my tears?
The fear of moving on w/life Not being the one you’d make your wife
But the one you consider a sister or a friend
The one that hurts now and again
When will you realize being yours is what I’ve always fantasized
So if you love me not let me know
So that I can try easily to let you go
No more will my heart cry for you- stranger
For love’s danger has caused a great deal of pain on me
And now I shall set you but also me free
Of love’s chains of insanity
wooww.. alhu gandu vaa hama happu
chaaley ... hama varah chaaley.. n so emotional...*sign* someone said the truth when he/she said tht broken hearts make the best poets... dun u think??? ehe..
keep writin:D
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